Tuesday 15 December 2020


There were ghosts in that forest, 

that much I knew.

Spring reveals so much of the dead.

All of those bones: small bodies, intact.

Dead beaver, or muskrat, skulls with their teeth,

red toads leapt out from under our feet.

We were alone, you tried to convince me 

that the sounds that I heard didn't come from a gun, 

just wood being chopped, a mile away;

axe to tree

axe to tree

axe to tree


A deer can sense a human's presence 

                a mile away.

breathing, is a threat. 

We sat beside the abandoned hunter's cabin 

and watched those magnificent creatures run by.

They were so close, its as if in that moment 

they had forgotten

what it was like to fear.

I swallowed the gin

and passed it to you. 

I tried to relax.

It was my birthday, after all.

I was another year older, 

surrounded by bones

clinging to you, the trees, and my lungs.

1 comment:

  1. I like this one a lot. I'd be interested to know some of the thought that went into it.
